When shampooing with any product, if the hair is dry, massage the scalp deeply to stimulate the sebaceous glands. If the hair is oily, merely work the shampoo through the hair completely.
Part Purist Egg Shampoo
At the Five & Tan, select a clear, cheap shampoo that checks out to an acidity level of below 7 with nitrazine paper. Break an egg yolk into a plastic cup and beat it until thick and pale yellow. Add 1 ounce of the shampoo and mix well. Shampoo as usual.
Purist Egg Shampoo
This is particularly good for dry or damaged hair as it cleans without removing the natural conditioning effect of your own scalp oils. In addition, it can help to repair the hair with protein.
Beat 2 or 3 eggs until fluffy and work them well into hair for at least a full minutes. Let them remain for another 5 to 15 minutes to benefit from the protein and then rinse out with warmish water. (Not hot water)
Old-Fashioned Castile Shampoo
2 oz castile soap
1 qt plus 1 1/2 cup boiling water
Dissolve soap in water and boil slightly. Stir occasionally and add more water if necessary until you have a clear solution. When cool, whip with eggbeater until fluffy and scoop a usable amount into a wide-mouthed jar. Store the remaining shampoo in a quart jar. This shampoo will congeal beautifully. All you have to do is dip you finger into the jar to get enough for a shampoo.
Herbal Shampoo
2 tbsp each: parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.
1 qt plus 1/2 cup boiling water
2 oz castile soap
Steep herbs in water for 2 hours. Strain and follow instructions for Castile Shampoo, substituting herb water. This shampoo leaves a delightful scent to your hair.
Shampoo for Oily Scalp
2 oz castile soap shavings
1 qt plus 1 cup water
3 oz alcohol
Mix soap and water over low heat until dissolved. Whip with eggbeater and beat in alcohol. Put usable amount in wide-mouthed jar and store remaining shampoo in quart jar.
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