Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Recipes for Massage Oils

Nothing could be better to your physically fatigued body as a good massage. It can relieve painful, knotted muscles and increase their tone at the same time by stimulating and strengthening the muscle fibre. Massage can circulate blood and bring it to the surface to nourish and internally cleanse the skin of the entire body. It also reduces fat cells. Besides supplementing skin softening oils, it promotes glandular activity within the body. Your nerves are soothed and stresses alleviated.

Most masseurs and masseuses use plain mineral oil or a mineral oil-base cream. You can consider to bring in your own massage oil. The massage oil recipes below are of vegetable oils. Lusciously moisturizing natural vegetable oils can penetrate your skin and silken your entire body.

Keep all massage oils in the refrigerator when not in use. If they harden or get cloudy, no problem, they will return to their proper consistency at room temperature.

Deep Penetrating Almond Oils

3 oz almond oil
1 1/2 tsp liquid lecithin

Warm oil and stir in lecithin. Beat almond extract into oil mixture. Cool and pour into plastic bottle. Shake before using. Refrigerate.

Scent Massage Oil

1 tsp liquid lecithin
2 oz soy oil
1 oz peanut oil
1 tbsp oil of any essence you prefer

Warm first two oils and lecithin lightly. Add scent and cool pour into plastic bottle. Refrigerate.

Lemon-Apricot Massage Oil

3 oz apricot oil
1 1/2 tbsp anhydrous lanolin
1 tsp lecithin
1 1/2 tbsp lemon extract

Melt lanolin over low heat. Warm apricot oil and beat into lanolin. Beat in lecithin and let cool. Beat in extract and put in plastic bottle. Refrigerate.

High Friction Massage Cream

1 tbsp beeswax
1 tbsp spermaceti
2 tbsp anhydrous lanolin
2 oz safflower oil
1/8 borax
1 oz rose water
1/4 tsp oil of bergamot

Melt first three ingredients over low heat. Warm the oil. Dissolve the borax in heated rose water. Beat the oil into the wax mixture. As it thickens and cools, beat in rose water. When cream forms and is cool, beat in oil of bergamot and scoop into jar. Refrigerate.

Vitamin A, D and E Massage Oil with Lecithin (unscented)

2 oz almond oil
1 oz wheat germ oil
4 vitamin A & D capsules
1 1/2 tsp liquid lecithin

Warm oils and stir in lecithin. When cool, pierce vitamin capsules and empty contents into oil. Put in plastic bottle and shake before each use. Refrigerate

Muscle Massage Oil

2 oz anhydrous lanolin
2 oz sesame oil
1 tsp oil of wintergreen
1 1/2 tsp menthol

Melt lanolin over low heat. Warm oil and beat into lanolin. When cool, add oil of wintergreen and menthol and put in plastic bottle. Do not use on face and keep away from children..

Favorite Perfume Massage Oil

4 oz safflower oil
2 oz sesame oil
1 tsp lecithin
1 tbsp favorite perfume or cologne

Warm oils slightly and stir in lecithin until completely blended. When mixture is cool, shake in plastic bottle with perfume. Shake before each use and keep in refrigerator when not in use.

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